
How to get traffic to your wishlist from YouTube

Jojo Masala


a year ago

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Promoting your Blessa is key to getting traffic to your page, which leads to more donations. Sharing your profile is the first step to promoting your Blessa. Here are some more tips to help you get started:

1. Update your bio

Your link will help your followers on your different social platforms find your page. You should include your link in your YouTube bio with a clear call to action, such as 'Buy me a gift: blessa.io/..."

2. Use comments

The more consistent you are with mentioning and including your Blessa profile, the more your viewers will be aware of how important Blessa is to you. For example, you can make a habit of commenting a link to your wishlist in all of your videos.

3. Update your description

The more consistent you are with including your Blessa profile the more your followers will be aware of how important Blessa is to you. For example, you can make a habit of commenting a link to your wishlist in all of your videos.

4. Make a community post

You should make a community post with a link to your Blessa profile. Also use a clear call to action, such as 'Buy me a gift: blessa.io/..."

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